Side Effects Go Away With Continued Use

Avatar n tn The side effects I am experiencing from using propecia are virtually identical to yours. I stopped using it 14 months ago, but I still have severe issues with libido and erection quality.

Avatar n tn In the first two weeks that I started taking it, I experienced erectile dysfunction and low libido, but then I read that with continued use, the side effects go away. So I continued using it, and luckily, the side effects had completely gone away and I used the drug for 3 years with no problems. If anything, my libido was slightly increased using propecia (which is a known side effect in some users).

Avatar m tn since I was 17 with little to no side effects besides no morning erections and watery semen.. turned 22 oct 2nd of 2016.. as the months went on I felt like my penis wasn't working like it should.. my erections seemed much weaker.. I stopped being hard during sex twice with my girlfriend.. stimulation couldn't even bring it back up.. it was a disaster.. there were just times I could feel literally during sex my penis getting less and less hard.. that scared me.

Avatar n tn Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

Avatar n tn There a scientific journals that have recorded patients with various persistant sexual side effects that do not go away after they quit as well. Are doctors not aware of these rare occurances??? Psychiatrists are suppose to be specailists (know the facts) of psycho pharmacology, otherwise primary physicians can easily prescribe these meds... To simply tell me that this is all psychological is hard to believe. Please let me know your thoughts.

Avatar n tn However the tremors are still there as well as extreme sweating, and muscle tightness. (I have been on this dose for approximately 2 weeks.

Avatar m tn Research the side effects of propecia. They include erectile dysfunction. And in some men, the side effects continue even after you've stopped taking it.

Avatar m tn I attribute my erection problems to the Propecia tablet that I take daily. As you know, Propecia is 1 mg. of finasteride. Propecia has been shown to cause side effects such as erectile problems in a small minority of users. Unfortunately, I appear to be in that small minority. Once my erection problems surfaced, I began looking for a solution. I do not want to stop taking Propecia because it has done wonders for my hair.

Avatar m tn Your hair is going to fall out in excess on treatment even with the use of Propecia or Rogaine; that is just one of the unfortunate side effects. Hair restoration meds are not cheap and personally I wouldn't waste my money on it until several months after you have completed treatment.

5708852 tn?1372804931 Hi everyone! Ok so sorry if I go in to depth in my question and sound a little rude! So i'm only 19 but I'm struggling here! I've been loosing my hair due to male pattern baldness a bit and I have recently started a tablet called Propecia which i'm sure some of you know have libido side effects.

Avatar m tn it depends whats cuasing the hair loss, if its androgenic alopecia male pattern baldness it does work by reducing a molecule called DHT in dermal layers of your scalp, this causes hair loss to slows down and sometimes grows back hair but it is not a cure. It should only be used for men and never be used for women. It does have it's side effects which can be severe. propecia/ finasteride is better working than minoxidle.

Avatar n tn Saw Palmetto works like propecia but side effects are more severe than propecia. It blocks both 5-alpha reductase type I & II. so Testosterone does not convert to DHT, no DHT means no sexual function. Some people using SP also suffer from low total T and free T or in other words they are hypogonadal. The only solution is go on TRT for the life. SP is very potent and dangerous herb.It should not be sold without clear warnings.

Avatar m tn Read up on side effects of finasteride. That is the problem, not the adderall.

Avatar m tn m an idiot for even experimenting with these chemicals, please offer an explanation for the assault of my hair. I have experienced zero side effects, other than diffuse hair loss. PLEASE HELP.

Avatar f tn There are other people taking it for years facing serious hormonal side effects. It will probably take as long as you took the tablets to feel like before. So a couple of months is a good projection as this pill changes hormonal balance in your blood and gene expression about androgen receptors.

Avatar n tn I took him to dermetologist, he priscribed Propecia for him. He said it has sexual side effect and goes away when yo sop taking the drug. He has lots of hair now and he does not lose any more hair. However, news is floting around saying that the sexual side effect comes from propecia is sometime not reversible. Asyesterday,he stopped his medicine. I am really worried if it has done any damage to him or not.

2010625 tn?1329372056 Now it is so bad I can barely type because my hands are so fidgety. My tongue is twitching and my lips too now. Can this be a permanent side effect or does it go away?

Avatar n tn try to stay away from propecia it plays with your hormones and has bad side effects

Avatar f tn Hey again... okay, actually... I just checked the prescribing information of Lexapro and apparently it is actually not a good idea to take any sort of NSAID at the same time as Lexapro... so, if you're taking ibuprofen it is probably a good idea to not mix the lexapro and ibuprofen and I wouldn't suggest getting a prescription NSAID after all. Usually the prescribing information says something about when side-effects tend to go away... but, I couldn't find it. But...

Avatar m tn After treatment does side effects from baraclude or tenofovir go away? For those that had to stop treatment for an extended amount of time or were cured?

Avatar f tn Are you seeing a psychiatrist or a regular doc? I don't know what you've tried in the past, how you got to this point, and how severe your problems were before trying medication, but it makes no sense to me to try two different classes of antidepressants at the same time. For one thing, it doesn't allow you to see if just one would do the trick. For another, it poses two sets of side effects instead of one and you don't know which drug is doing what.

Avatar m tn Propecia would not cause such side effects I can assure you. Sex drive, libido, and erection issues are possibilities with longterm use of that drug. Not sores. Eliminate this as a possible correlation. Fleet has provided the best advice. Id follow his instructions and seek a swab and blood test immediately. What you describe sounds like a herpes infection without a doubt. Multiple grouped blisters and swollen nodes are clear indicators. Please test. Wish you the best.

Avatar n tn My son is 23 yrs of age, he took Accutane on three occassions 4 yrs ago and now he is loosing his hair. Could this be a side affect to accutane? How can I help him with this being we dont have this hair lost in our family and he is so young. Thank u for your help!

Avatar n tn m on propecia...however, my doctor (being pretty cool), prescribed me 5mg Finasteride (i.e. Propecia). I split the pills in half, which is pretty close to the dosage for Propecia. The bottle lasts me two months, and costs me $5 because finasteride is covered on my insurance. I'm 28 years old, soooo....the insurance company DID need my doctor to verify the prescription. But like I said, he is cool :) See if your doc will hook you up the same!


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